Monday, 31 March 2014

Wedding songs

For photos slide show :

Celine Dion - To Love You More.

Shania Twain - From this moment on.

Hayley Westenra - My Heart Belongs To You

Diana Ross - When you tell me that you love me.

dreams come true michaelangelo & jasmin cruz

Gary Barlow - Forever love with lyrics

I Swear - John Michael Montgomery (with lyrics)
 Kylie Auldist - Still into you

For march in :

Thursday, 13 March 2014



Tuesday, 11 March 2014


  我在美国生了两个孩子,生育前后都有培训班,家庭医生每次洗脑让我受益匪浅,我的两个宝宝在婴儿时期乖巧得好像家里没有小婴儿,我甚至疑心她们会不会哭?如今外婆常拿这句傻话笑我。回国后看到朋友或邻居们被小祖宗折磨得精疲力竭,想着将妈妈经写下来,或许可以帮到被小祖宗弄得手忙脚乱、身心疲惫的年轻爸爸妈妈。再次感谢南加州著名的儿科医生JANE GU,这几年在她的指导下学到很多一辈子都受益的育儿宝典。

  爱哭的BABY都是爸妈教出来的。才出生的小BABY听不懂话,他们靠条件反射来做判断。中国的家长一听到孩子哭就抱起来。JANE GU医生反复告诫我:孩子一哭就放下来,不哭才抱起来,正好反过来。这样一来,再小的孩子都能明白,不哭的时候才有得抱,这招极灵。放下爱哭的孩子开始训练,看着时钟,不要抱让她哭,准备等10分钟再抱。第一次可以设定5分钟,以后一次比一次时间拉长,我的妞妞第一次就没有熬到5分钟,大约3分半的时候就停了,我已经心疼得肝肠寸断自己都快哭了,一定要忍住了。让孩子知道哭声是叫不来妈妈的。训练“不哭的孩子”要排除4个哭的其他原因:尿了、病了、饿了,困了。上帝保佑,我家两个孩子都不会无理由哭,偶尔哭一下当作运动也是极少数,妞妞和妙妙100%是快乐的宝宝,躺在床上都咯咯笑出声的孩子。






  能吃到2岁半是天下最幸福的宝宝。JANE GU医生说,没有奶不够吃的妈妈,只有不想喂奶的妈妈,孩子的食量多大,妈妈的奶就有多少,生双胞胎的妈妈的奶同样够两个孩子吃。这一点我很失败,尽管GU医生用笔画了一个圆圈,她告诉我,你的孩子吃多少,你就能生产多少,你觉得奶不够,加奶粉进去,奶就会真的不够,最后就没了,事实证明我后来真的越来越少直到没了。孩子不会说话,她吃饱没有很难知道,妈妈觉得奶少了就放弃母奶,就补奶粉,其实是告诉自己的身体,我只能生产这么多了。要相信自己能当头称职的奶牛。如果再生一个,一定要证明一下。生完小孩第三天就去医院参加“喂奶班”,几个妈妈带婴儿围成一圈,有黑妈妈白妈妈和亚洲妈妈,喂奶课用的是那种很舒服的沙发,脚下有垫脚的专用凳子。医生们将孩子脱光,包括尿布,然后称BABY的重量精确到小数点后面2位数。然后让我们抱孩子喂奶,不准穿衣服只穿尿布。医生一对一教妈妈们如何让孩子一口就咬准奶头,如何保护奶头,一次一次训练,期间有别的妈妈来用免费提供的吸奶机下奶,用塑料袋装回家。我刚开始的害羞和尴尬慢慢没有了,呵呵,我在家完全不知道妞妞吃了多少,这下好了,一堂课下来,马上称孩子份量,我妞妞吃了不少,好像是那天的第二名,前后数据证明,我有奶。

  妞妞大概10来天的时候,一只眼睛发炎化脓了,我和妞爸吓得抱到医院,还是急诊,儿科的男医生问,你喂奶还是奶粉,我说母奶。他说挤点出来放进孩子眼睛,BABY就会好。What? 我排队等急诊老半天就这么打发我回家了。于是如法炮制,母奶当药,几天后妞妞果然见好,是否母奶的原因还是不清不楚,美国医生忽悠得或许有点道理吧。总之母奶是好东西。




  4个月吃米粉再大点跟大人一起吃东西,孩子长大不太会偏食,早点吃和成人一样的食物对孩子有好处。6颗牙的时候,JANE GU医生说,她已经可以用这几颗牙齿吃很多东西了,什么都可以喂,没有不能吃的。



  中国父母礼节有余,胆子太小。“别动,危险,站起来地上脏,别摸,会刺到。。。。不许这样,不许那样”美国父母最常说的却是“Try it! ”试试看,摸摸看。鼓励宝宝,只要没有生命危险,不要阻止孩子用他们的小手尝试和认识世界。大不了衣服弄脏,地上滚来滚去的宝宝时光很短,饭粒菜汤翻了一地,大不了扫一下他们会早学会吃饭甚至用筷子,玩水大不了感冒,玩沙子大不了进鞋子难受难清洁。总之有很多阻碍孩子快乐的条条框框,促使我们的小天使们越来越快地变成成人,变成听话和懂事的孩子。快乐第一重要,衣服脏了不重要,只要没有生命危险,不要阻止我的孩子。


Friday, 7 March 2014

Sekeping Tenggiri - prepration

7 bedrooms.
7m x 3m swimming pool.
Common lounge.
Dining area with washing facilities.
Fridge & oven toaster.
Filtered & hot drinking water.
Astro TV in common lounge.
Computer with WIFI internet access.
Books & magazines.
24-hour housekeeping service.

Open wardrobe.
Ceiling fan.
TV with DVD player.
WIFI internet access.
Bath towel.
Naturally ventilated bathroom.
Hot shower.

Things to prepare and bring :
We bought props like alphabet, heart shape blocks and glasses from TYPO pavillion.
We also bought chalkboards from Kaizon (Festival City Mall) for a very cheap price like 10 bucks per piece or less. Balloons were Rm5-6 bucks per balloon we had 15 . We bought this from One Utama. Had the extra long thing spray so that the balloon can last longer.

For brides out there, on the prewed shoot bring some snacks,water and mosquito repellents.
You can choose to wear neu bra earlier if there is no changing place.
Button up shirt and strapless bra is helpful to change quickly.
Shorts and short skirts too.
Bring slippers and wet wipes.
Sometimes the costume jewellery the bridal gallery provide is not up to your taste , hence bring some spare. Especially if you have casual shots.

When we choose the shooting location, we were ready to top up some money. If you would like free locations then consider putrajaya, lake gardens ,public places and etc... Others usually requires you to spend a bit more. Of course if you are shooting outside KL...then the charges increases :)

Wednesday, 5 March 2014





另 外,她在电影里头不如现实生活幸福,除了惨遭老公背叛,甚至被嫌弃:「就算是龙虾,天天吃也会腻!」表明男人就是爱新鲜感。然而怎么维持新鲜感,徐若瑄自 有一套见解,她说:「別以为结婚了就隨便挖鼻孔或放屁,还是要保持刚认识时的美感,很多人会觉得爱情就是接受一切,但这样往往会破坏夫妻间的新鲜感。」

她 升格人妻虽未满半个月,不过谈起夫妻相处之道很有心得,认为彼此还要互相崇拜,「女人有自己的事业也是一种魅力,男人不会整天想听妳说柴米油盐酱醋茶,女 人也要不停进步关心时事。」此外徐若瑄毫不担心发生婚变,强调老公给自己一百分的安全感,「男人真的要变心,要变就变吧,但我不会想那么多。」

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


Monday, 3 March 2014



3/3/2014 - to call

Accept Amex with installment?

1) Seahorse : Hotline : 603 5611 2951 (china)
03-5621 8670 - Sunway Pyramid
Master and Visa only.
Not accept AMEX.

2) Eminent 1k, 1k, 588 within three months :
 HQ SS2, Petaling Jaya No 75, Jalan SS2/72, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 603-7865 2537 / 6016-2284 092
3/3/2014 : no ppl answer.
Not accept AMEX.

3) Grand Imperial 1k, 1k.
019-330 3643 (Darren Yek) 03-6201 3777 / 9777/ 3977
3/3/2014 - called 62013777 - Shawn - can pay via AMEX.

4) Musee Platinum
Lot 257, 2nd Floor, The Curve, No.6 Jln PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-7728-3988
Promotion 25%??

5) Maybank Card Centre Store Services
Contact No :03-7728 5451
Lot/Location :G341B / Ground Floor
Document needed, within one hour?

Maybankard 2 cards, AMEX, Platinum 60k.

May 20 2013, 11:18 PM

Latest developments

1. The MBB 2 AMEX is now accepted at Petronas Pump Stations thumbup.gif Proud to say that yours truly was the first to report it here at LYN.
2. Uniqlo 1U accepts AMEX thumbup.gif First reported by BRY7
3. TNB Shah Alam Section 11 accept AMEX thumbup.gif First reported by rap7733
4. Tokio Marine Insurance accepts AMEX.
5. KDU, USCI Education, Manipal International U and University Tun Abdul Razak accepts AMEX. 
6. Maybank2U can pay TNB, Telekom bills using Amex.

Now the bad news for 2013. 

1. Effective 1 August 2013, Maybank Credit Card TreatsPoints will have a 3 years expiration period. TreatsPoints earned in a particular month are valid until the end of third (3rd) year of the calendar month. Please find below a sample table depicting the points cumulated and the applicable expiry date:

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2. Effective 1st January 2013 - All transactions relating to government, insurance and education will only earn 2X TP with the Maybankard 2 American Express mad.gif This means our assessments bills in 2013 will only earn us 2X Treats Points with the Maybankard 2 AMEX vmad.gif But if we plan properly, we still can earn 5% cash back on weekends smile.gif

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Previous Threads

Click here to read Maybankard 2 Cards V1 Thread.
Click here to read Maybankard 2 Cards V2 Thread.
Click here to read Maybankard 2 Cards V3 Thread.
Click here to read Maybankard 2 Cards V4 Thread.
Click here to read Maybankard 2 Cards V5 Thread.
Click here to read Maybankard 2 Cards V6 Thread.

Click here to go to Maybank's website. 
Click here to go to American Express Website.

Gold: Minimum annual income:RM30,000 
Platinum: Minimum annual income:RM60,000 


1. The benefits of two cards, Maybankard 2 American Express® Card and Maybankard 2 MasterCard or Visa Card, in one sign up, one service tax, and one statement.
2. Enjoy a low Finance Charge of 8.88% p.a. on your outstanding retail balance.
3. 5x TreatsPoints for every Ringgit spent on Maybankard 2 American Express Card and 1x TreatsPoint on Maybankard 2 Mastercard/Visa Card in Malaysia or anywhere else in the world.
4. 5% Weekend cash back when spend on Maybankard 2 American Express Card capped at RM50 per customer (including Supp Cardmember) per month.
5. Lifetime Fee Waiver with complimentary supplementary cards.

Additional Benefits with Platinum Card.
6. Travel Insurance Coverage - Charge your travel fares to the card to enjoy complimentary Accidental Death and Disablement coverage of up to RM1,000,000, as well as Travel Inconvenience coverage for missed connections, luggage delay and luggage loss. Subject to terms & conditions of the Certificate of Insurance.
7. Retail Protection - Purchase protection of up to RM20,000 per item and up to RM150,000 per card account per calendar year. Return Guarantee exchange or refund of up to 90days (Maximum RM1,500 per item on purchase price, up to a maximum of RM6,000 per card account per calendar year). Extended Warranty of up to Rm15,000 per item (Up to RM48,000 per card account per calendar year.). Subject to terms & conditions of the Certificate of Insurance.
8. Golf Privilege - Complimentary golf at selected golf courses around Malaysia. 

Who can apply?

* Principal cardholders: those between 21 to 65 years old
* Supplementary cardholders: at least 18 years old

Required Documents - Please include the following with your application form:

* Copy of NRIC (both sides) or Passport, including that of supplementary applicant's
* Latest BE form with official tax receipt
* Latest 3 months' salary slips
* Latest 3 months' savings account activity/current account statements

If you are self-employed:

* Copies of Business Registration
* Latest 3 months' Bank Statements

If you are an expatriate:

* Letter from employer confirming duration of employment contract in Malaysia. Note: You must be a Maybank account holder.

Click here to download Maybankard 2 Cards Application Form.

Ways to apply for the Maybankard 2 Cards:

1. Go to branch and fill in application form and submit it there.
2. Download application form and fax to 03-2282 0373.
3. By email to (better you call MBB Customer Service to confirm address)
4. Call Maybank or American Express Customer Service if you are a current Maybank credit card holder.

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But the simplest and fastest method to get the Maybankard 2 Cards is by visiting a Maybankard Centre at 1U, The Gardens or KLCC where your application will be process within an hour or so. Click here to read my article on it. Please note, it is Maybankard Centre and NOT Maybank Branch

If you need further clarifications (e.g. what documents to bring along) on the 1 hour approval at 1U Card Centre, you may contact them at number below. Contact Info contributed by Human Nature.

Maybankard Centre at 1 Utama
Lot G-341B, New Wing, 1 Utama Shopping Center, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
03-7728 5451

You can check your Maybankard 2 Cards transactions online with

If you do not have a Current or Savings Account with Maybank but you want a Maybank2U online account to check your Maybankard 2 Cards transactions, you need to go to a Maybank branch to get it done. Better that you inform the officer that you want the Maybankard 2 Visa or MasterCard as the main account and add your Maybankard 2 Amex to it. However if you want your Maybankard 2 Amex to be the main card for the account, when you first log in to register username add 0 to the 15 digits of your Amex card. Maybank2U for Maybank Credit Cards - You Don't Need To Have A Maybank Current or Savings Account.

However, if you are new to credit cards, I strongly recommend that you DO NOT opt for the paperless option (i.e. receive our monthly statements online) until you familiarize yourself with Statement Balance, Outstanding Balance, Minimum Payment and Payment Due Date.

Maybankard 2 Cards FAQ:

1. The rebate is calculated according to the CALENDER month.
2. The rebate is usually credited to the AMEX card on the 1st or 2nd of the month.
3. For Principal Cards, the RM50 GST for AMEX is waived, but RM50 GST for Visa/MC remains.
4. For Supplementary cards, RM25 GST is imposed onto each Amex, Visa or MasterCard. 
5. The GST will be billed a month or two after you received the card. 
6. You do not need to activate the cards by calling in. Cards can be used immediately.
7. You do not need to post back the acknowledgment copy when you receive the card by post/courier. 
8. The weekend rebate capped of RM50/month for the Maybankard 2 Amex is shared between the Principal and Supp cards.
9. If your M2U shows that you have a Maybankard 2 Cards Account, congratulations, it means you 'll be getting the cards soon. Call Customer Service if you do not want the cards or call them anyway to confirm.
10. You don't need to have a Savings Accounts or other Banking Accounts to have a M2U account for your MBB 2 Cards. You need to go to the branch to sign up for M2U to view your transactions online..
11. If you cannot swipe the card at the merchant, call Customer Service, number behind the card. 
12. Fastest way to get the Maybankard 2 Cards is go and apply at MBB Card Centre at 1U or KLCC where they are supposed to process your application within an hour. Saturdays also can.
13. The 5% cash back on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) for MBB 2 AMEX includes Petrol and is additional to the 5X Treats Points. However it is reported that some online transactions on weekends DO NOT earn the 5% cash back as it depends on the timing the merchant processes the transaction.
14. Maybank Platinum credit cards including MBB 2 does not grant free access to KLIA or LCCT Plaza Premium Lounge. 
15. You earn 1x TP everyday with your Maybankard 2 Visa or MasterCard and including Petrol. Good for station that does not accept AMEX. 
16. If you link your pay pal account to MBB 2 AMEX, it will take 2-3 days before it is shown in M2U.
17. Dell got no installment plan with AMEX and you won't get cash back if you purchase online on weekends.
18. 12,500 Treats Points (inflated since 1st Aug 13) to offset RM50 annual GST. Call Maybank Customer Service (Tel No. behind your card).
19. This is what is mentioned behind our Maybankard Statement - Foreign Charges converted by AMEX apply a coversion factor of 2.5% to the converted amount plus 0.5% administration cost imposed by Maybank.
20. The Maybankard 2 AMEX earns you 1x TP for every RM charged to your card by default. The rest of the TP is recorded as 4x bonus TP (written as MAYBANKARD 2 AMEX 4X BONUS in your statement), making it a total of 5x TP for all charges made to your MBB2 AMEX.
21. The 5% Cash Back payout MONTH is subjected to POSTING DATE not transaction date. Here's a detail example by ronnie

QUOTE(ronnie @ Oct 29 2011 @ 06:18 PM)
The last weekend for October 2011 is 29th and 30th October.
Only those transactions done on 29th/30th must be posted on or before 31 October 2011 to be part of the October's RM50 rebate calculation.

Transaction Date : 29 October 2011
Posting Date : 29 October 2011
Included in the October 2011 Weekend Rebate calculation

Transaction Date : 29 October 2011
Posting Date : 30 October 2011
Included in the October 2011 Weekend Rebate calculation

Transaction Date : 29 October 2011
Posting Date : 31 October 2011
Included in the October 2011 Weekend Rebate calculation

Transaction Date : 29 October 2011
Posting Date : 1 November 2011
Included in the November 2011 Weekend Rebate calculation

Transaction Date : 29 October 2011
Posting Date : 2 November 2011
Included in the November 2011 Weekend Rebate calculation
See below tables for MBB 2 AMEX versus MBB MasterCard Overseas Transactions contributed by jchong

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If you have successfully earned 5% cash back with your MBB 2 AMEX for online transactions on weekends. Please share by posting your transactions details in Share your transaction for cash rebate Thread.