Tuesday, 5 December 2017

听君一席话 - 月子套餐

乌金丸 : 1st day of menses can take one pill.

苏和丸 : when feel tired or tummy bloated.

红枣水 (可加入催乳茶包):
放ceramic碗泡半个小时,用slow cooker low mode 煮。
Final outcome = 1.5 to 2 liter.
Milk booster : 前14天:黑木耳; 后14天:雪耳。
汤,丸 回家才喝。



Pink Lady, Oatmilk, Vsoy Golden-grain, soya milk.

有当归的汤包可以加入Australia 羊肉 (没有骚味)~ ~


Vitamin C :
800mg x 2 tables or 4 tables per day : to relief inflammation
早晚各2粒 - 通乳/给奶

生产过后,水量是生产前的 倍。

一次是 大概 5ml 到 10ml.
2kg以上的宝宝一次大概喝1oz 到 2oz的奶量

如黄 :
黄< 300 是 ok.
可以租灯回家,大概 RM 100/3days.

母乳时间表 :
11pm - 3am : 挤奶一次
白天 :2oz, 11pm-3am 通常有 4oz. (2倍).
前两个礼拜用手挤,再用syringe/小杯 喂食
Latching on demand.

宝宝和妈妈的肚子对对,开始latch 40-60分钟。
开始第一天到第五天 : 少量多餐
TBAN 和嗯咕咕 : 左边 search button, 有picture/file可以 download

存奶原则 : 3,3,3
(如: 9am挤,12pm要吃完, warmer 不超过40 degree Celsius)
chiller :可以放3天 (不要放在冰箱门边)
freezer : 3个月
label 日期和时间

宝宝的粪便 :
- 米黄色是ok, 不要像蛋黄。
- 次数:一天大概 6-10次。
- 一粒粒小黄点是ok的
- 不正常 :灰色,mucus (果冻)
- 胎便, meconium (2-3天) : chocolate black colour.

暗色 >>  鲜红  >>  浅黄
现在的医生会将恶露suck out (自然生)

breastfeed mom 会便秘,口干,饿。

Massage :
Natural birth : after 5-7 days
C.section : after 10 days
urut breast, waist, hot stone massage.
approx RM 100 per massage session.
can sign course, eg 3-5 times;

sarung, 长裤,
冷气调至 摄氏 25-26度, 通风,开窗

生产后一星期里就只是抹凉 (煮水抹凉)
3-5 天后才煮水冲凉-身体。
洗头发:flexible, 冲凉前关风扇 关冷气。

DOM 养命酒可以喝

DOM 炖鸡腿好吃

Friso comfort ~ RM 40/小罐
Nestle NAN 少甜
Similac ok
Morinaga 不错,味道像母乳,有probiotic
不要 Enfa, 甜


If contraction happen every 20 minutes, prepare to go hospital.


鱼 :10到14天才吃鱼,怕伤口慢痊愈
吃大鱼如 石斑,三文鱼
菜 : brocolli, 芥菜,芫菜,放姜丝
可以吃:好的水果如葡萄,Prune, 帮助排便
便秘 : 可以吃黑木耳 雪耳 红豆水


Rosehip oil + lotion
Bio oil
Loccitane : Shea butter
Virgin coconut oil

Baby diaper :
Mamy Poko Extra dry
Goon (similar to Mamy Poko)
Merries (best) ~ RM 0.90 per pcs
Mamy Poko ~ RM 0.60-RM0.70 per pcs

say NO to PETPET

减肥茶 - 出月才喝
白凤丸 - 出月才吃,一个礼拜一盒
保婴丹 - 出牙前檫牙龈/惊吓/生病

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Breastfeed Q&A

Breastfeed Q&A 

Q :今天出院了,第一次喂宝宝喝人奶,可惜只有几滴初乳,结果还是泡了奶粉给宝宝饱餐一顿才能睡,希望迟点才试试给宝宝再喝母乳><
A :不需要参哦,宝宝一开始的胃很小罢了。一直亲喂会刺激乳房产生更多奶。如果参奶粉宝宝难消化会减少亲喂次数,奶水会少的。
A : 尽量亲喂先,宝宝会帮你通乳汁的
A : 奶是須要刺激乳房才有……早親餵早享受……抱住奶泵倒不如抱住寶寶親餵。 寶寶吸吮比泵更能刺激乳汁
A : 应该也是可以的,只是没有那么快。。宝宝用嘴巴的吸允是最好的通乳器。。我那时是产后第二天让宝宝吸,就开始有奶了

Q : 我第一胎,目前六个月怀孕。 请问要怎样可以一定有母乳呢?  我要准备什么。
A : 只要勤力每2-3小时挤奶/亲喂就有奶了。我妈妈和姐姐也是说没有奶,但是我都喂了两胎,二宝现在14个月都还在哺乳每次挤都有9oz
A : 我是38周催生然后开刀的 相信就会有 开刀后 几个小时就开始喂了
A : 還有不要想太多~ 放鬆自己~ 要對自己有信心~
A : 每天要告诉自己你有母乳,要对自己有信心..我怀孕的时候就是天天这样告诉自己,但是有人倒我冷水..我还是相信自己有奶...到产后第二天我就有奶了..我也是第一胎..
A : 不需准备什么,女人生产后一定会有的。生后要请人urut 乳腺,多亲喂 做月时多吃催奶的食物 奶水滚滚来
A : 要相信自己会有就会有 如果一直想可能不会有真的会没有的 或者明明有但挤不出 然后就放弃了
A : 我是生过后2天胸部软趴趴的都完全没有奶,因为第二天有叫人来按摩所以第三天就有奶了,而且后来一天内还可以挤出40格奶,不过在这之前你必须经过“挤了一个小时都挤不出一格奶”的艰辛过程,熬过了就会有源源不绝的奶水了!
A : 宝宝出世就给宝宝吸,这个是护士教我的~ 然后要相信自己一定有母乳,要想着给宝宝最好的 就自然而然有了 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 或许第一第二天没有 但接下来就奶水滚滚来了
A : 我在怀孕的时候37周冲凉的时候按摩胸部 慢慢挤 会有奶水哦 开刀生了之后 第二天就有奶了

A : 怀孕最后一个月时每天冲凉按摩胸部。这是我去产前讲座时那个医生教的。我照着做,还没生的时候用手挤就有奶出来了。
A : 当你在医院时,你可以请护士帮忙检查。第二,当我在怀孕时,无时无刻都和胎里的宝宝说你一出世就会有母乳喝咯,一定要配合妈妈和努力吸哦。这可能也有帮助。

Q : 其实喂宝宝喝奶,是要每隔2个小时喂一次,还是等宝宝睡到自然醒才喂? 
A : 睡到自然醒。 宝宝很聪明的,饿了一定会起来讨奶。 不要太担心. 宝宝的睡眠很重要!

Q : 因为母乳性黄疸医生要我暂时给配方奶,只有晚上才亲喂,宝宝已经4天没有💩了正常吗?还是便秘了,不过宝宝一直都有放屁
A : 母乳性黄疸的正确答案是继续给母奶,不需要给配方奶

Q : 我现在在坐月子要进入第三个星期了,我有喂母乳。请问我可以喝养命酒或补腰精吗?喝了会影响奶量吗?
A : 减少/增加奶量的食物因人而异。试了一点点若不影响就没事😁

Q : 请问为什么我的奶不会一直流奶的?要pump才会出,不 pump就一直塞在里面,今天叫人urut还是一样咧,整个奶摸到到处硬硬那样,不会软,怎么办好?有人是那样的情况的嘛?
A : 可能还有阻塞,多做热敷和按摩

Q : 想問各位媽咪,是不是奶量多了會很快肚子餓?我目前還在坐月子的第11天,從昨天半夜因為太餓醒來了3次。上個小時剛吃飽,一個半小時後就餓了。還是肚子進風了?
A : 坐月子期间+哺乳,我们的胃是无底洞啊😂 
6Like ·
A : 一个人可以吃一大碗饭 吃一只乌鸡 一天五六餐都是大碗大碗的 自己都害怕的食量
A : 超级饿,宝宝吸一次奶,我就吃一餐,哈哈。

Q : 想问下从冷冻奶解冻后24小时要喝完,那是从我拿下来冷藏开始算还是溶化了开始算呢?
A : 冰完全解了算起24小时
Q : 那没完全溶完还有冰可以再冷冻过对吗?
A : 可以。。可是能的话尽量喝完它,怕味道太重 😂😂

To buy (related to baby stuff)

Things pass by friends : 
YK : Milk warmer, Medela Freestyle pump (accessories to change if needed). [DONE]
WZ : Maternity pad [DONE]
Yeen : pacifier, liner [DONE]

Nursing cover
C type umbrella
Ice bar

Washing machine with dryer function

Baby oil
***** Buds : Head to Toe (use first, then only go for other brand and see how the reaction).

Breast Pump
Spectra S9 smaller size ~ RM 600
Lacte duet ~ RM 400
Freemie cup online (farrah) RM 319

[Breast pump types]
Spectra 9 Plus
Spectra M1 Double Pump
Spectra S1 (big size)
Spectra S9+ (smaller size)

Baby carrier (can only used when bb is 4 months old).
(jx - lazada/shopee - OEM, RM 50+)
Ergobaby 400++, if wan buy original, dont buy online as it might be fake one.

YL 2nd hand 200++.

Milk bottle :
Pigeon wide neck, MAM anti colic

Avent Sterilizer (RM 300++), 4 in 1, bigger.
Bubble/ My Dear - dryer
Combi UV sterilizer RM 599
Hanil sterilizer RM 999/1000++
(dryer, sterilizer (wap) or UV sterilizer)

Little Bee Warmer (with car charger),

Autumn milk bag (5oz 7oz 12oz), x Bubble brand cos thin.
Bumble Bee milk storage bottle.

Website :
* Fabulous Mom (shop at TTDI, website)
* Mother's care - blanket
* Breast pum : Calisbo (from Swiss)

Cloth hanger

Mama bag 妈妈待产包

For Mother :

soya milk/milo pack
small thermos bottle  / flask (to put warm drinking water)

出院的 :
外套 (Cotton On, Accenture, mom's jacket)
Bra, Underwear
chocolate, biscuit
Maternity pad 12pcs
Jacket (Accenture and mom's jacket)
small napkin 5 sets (每次哺乳之前,用热水沾湿,擦拭乳头。)
Face tissue - to lap face cos cannot touch cold water
吸奶器 (silicon), syringe

Breast pump
milk storage bottle.
masking tape



For Baby :

Baby cloths 2 sets
Mitten and booties, cap 1 set
Baby cover with head 1 pcs
Towel x1
Handkerchief x3
Newborn pampers x 10+
Minyak angin
Wet tissue

小抱枕 - 盖肚子(压惊)

Marriage cert
KK red book
Handphone, charger

Note book & pen x2 - to record baby's activities
寫下每次換尿布的時間還有注意尿尿跟大便的顏色、量, 等等

Rub zinc oxide on his butt so he doesn’t get diaper rash


Tuesday, 14 November 2017



一只鸡腿, 切块,汆烫


一只鸡腿, 切块,汆烫




Friday, 10 November 2017

Credit card promotion

Movie ticket 

Summary (TGV) : 
Maybank (Visa, Master, AMEX)
RM 10/ Standard and Preferred seats for STANDARD HALLS
same day purchase at ticketing counter, for movie < 6pm
(not valid for online/apps/kiosk).

Summary (GSC) : 
RM8/normal 2D ticket, Sat and Sun.
Purchase online.
until 14/1/2018 (<550 ticket/day).

Stand Chart JustOne Platinum
RM 7/card/day, everyday
GSC website/Mobile App
until 27/2/2018 (< 107 tickets/day)

- - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Flat RM8 Movie Tickets for HSBC Credit Card Holders Every Saturday & Sunday

Limited to 550 movie tickets per day, HSBC credit card holders can enjoy maximum two tickets at RM8 flat by purchasing online for every weekend. The promotion is available for Normal 2D movies except 3D, Twin Seats, Gold Class, Premiere Class, Premium Leather Seats, Dolby Atmos, GSC Maxx and D-Box.

Promo Period: 10 June 2017 – 14 January 2018

- - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RM 7 Movie Every day with Standard Chartered JustOne Platinum MasterCard

This is a special deal only for Standard Chartered JustOne Platinum MasterCard holders and you must buy your tickets via GSC Website and GSC Mobile App  to enjoy the promotion. You are allowed to buy two tickets at RM7 per card per day until offer limit of 107 tickets is reached for each offer day.Available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Apply for the card here!

Period: 02 March 2017 – 27 February 2018

- - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11/11/2017 (Sat) - Task

1. Upkeep herbs in fridge, and purchase new during this weekend (Sat 4/11/2017 or Sun 5/11/2017).

2. Upkeep after gave birth mom's cloth - to be keep in 2nd room for easier changes
a) long sleeve shirt and trousers
b) daily short sleeve shirt
c) blanket
d) towel
e) underwear
f) socks
g) mattress cover for 3.5ft bed and seahorse mattress

3. baby stuff list/packing in mama and baby bag/luggage
Refer gnotes/ books

8. charges at TMC

5. photo printing - to buy package online on 11/11/2017 (online sales)

2. calculate ESPP earning, update in softcopy and add label.

4. Njoi
03-7491 9888
PIC : Deven
RM 350 one time payment (include GST, installation fee, decoder, satelite plate, remove control).
(cable, free for 15 meter, RM 2.50/meter if > 15meter).
decoder, satelite plate, remote control : 12 warranty. 
Njoi hotline : 03-9543 8100
Internet promo : RM 385 (refurbish decoder), RM 450 (for new decoder).

Astro Beyond IPTV
603-9543 1543
31-10-2017 : call and terminate service
Language : 2, then "8" and wait operator to pick up call.
PIC : Suhaini
modem, router, decoder and smart card.
contract ended Sept 2016, so there is no issue to terminate the service.

- - -
Njoi - Ms Nas (only can communicate in malay language) :
status on 2/11/2017 : pending issue (technician havent collect decoder, once technician collect decoder, they will call and confirm installation date).
- - -
Astro IPTV - Ms Dina called in on 2/11/2017 :
Technician will come and collect Astro PVR set on 11/11/2017 (Sat), time will be confirm by technician.
- - -
Ms Dina :
Installation on 11/11/2017 : 11am. RM 335.
- - -

5. Dr Ng 03-7984 8105
Mon, Tues, Thurs : 9-2pm, 4-8pm
Fri, Sun : 9-2pm
Wed, Sat : closed

6. online shopping website registration
a) shopee

7. Zi Hui on Budget 2018.

Njoi channel

Written on 10/11/2017 :

308 Quan Jia HD
311 Wah Lai Toi
314 TVB Xing He
Tian Ying

RM 5.30 for 3 days
RM 7.42 for 7 days
RM 21.20 for 30days

Additonal channel that would be subscribe 
= 308 Quan Jia HD (Daddy Where are we going) + 311 Wah Lai Toi 
3 days = RM 5.30 x 2 = RM 10.60
7 days = RM 7.42 x 2 = RM 14.84
30 days = RM 21.20 x 2 = RM 42.40

One time payment = RM 335.
RM 335/RM 80 per month = 4 months plus.

First year expenses :
1) Njoi
RM 335 + 2 additional channel x 12 months
= RM 335+ (21.20 x 2 x 12)
= RM 335 + 508.80
= RM 843.80

2) Internet
RM 139 x 12
= RM 1668

Total first year
= 843.80 + 1668
= RM 2511.80

Subseq years expenses :
1) Njoi
= 2 additional channel x 12 months
= 21.20 x 2 x 12
= RM 508.80

2) Internet
RM 139 x 12
= RM 1668

Total subseq year
= 508.80 + 1668
= RM 2176.80

If  remain Astro IPTV
= RM 241.70 x 12
= RM 2900.40

First year save : RM 2900.40 - RM 2511.80 = RM 388.60
Subseq year save : RM 2900.40 - RM 2176.80 = RM 723.60

Ying Shi Pack
314 TVB Xing He
Tian Ying
Shuang Xing
RM 21.20 for 15days

if : 314+Tian Ying for 30days = 21.20x2 = RM 42.40
if : Ying Shi Pack for 30days = 21.20x2 = RM 42.40
Just that will have extra Shuang Xing channel (but seldom watch Shuang Xing channel).

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Photobook promo

Photobook promo on 10/11/2017 :
100 pieces 0.1

Photobook promo < 1/11/2017 : 

100 pieces 0.1
RM10.00 RM42.00 [64% off]
200 pieces 0.125
RM25.00 RM72.00 [66% off]
500 pieces 0.13
RM65.00 RM150.00 [66% off]

Postage fee : 
25 - 100 pcs RM8.00
101 - 200 pcs RM10.00
201 - 300 pcs RM12.00
301 - 400 pcs RM15.00
401 - 500 pcs RM18.00
501 - 600 pcs RM18.00
601 - 700 pcs RM19.00
701 - 800 pcs RM19.00
801 - 1000 pcs RM19.00


To wait until 11/11/2017 for online promo.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017


ESPP 2016 - 2018

Buying price : $  8.45
Selling price : $  11.90878
Number of share : 320

Percentage earned :
( 11.90878-8.45 )       x 100% = 40.93%

Conversion rate : SG to MY : $1 = RM     

27/10/2017 (Friday) : Click for Cash Election.
30/10/2017 (Monday) : Sell on Monday? (Lowest 11.86, Highest 11.98, closed at 11.94)
                                    : Contributions amount credited to OCBC account on 30/10/2017.
31/10/2017 (Tuesday) : Receive email, share sell at $ 11.90878.
                                    : Net cash profit credited into OCBC

Estimated total brokerage and transaction fees
= 0.211% x selling price + $10 telegraphic transfer charges
= 0.211% x 11.90878 + $10
= 0.025127526 + $10
= $10.025127526

Net cash profit
= (11.90878 x 320 share) - $10.025
= $3800.78

** guess S11.90878 is the highest selling price
30/10/2017 : Closed at 11.94
31/10/2017 : Closed at 11.90

- The estimated total brokerage and  transaction fees =0.211% of selling price + S$10 telegraphic transfers charges allocated to the sale and settlement of the shares is based on actual prevailing fees charged by OCBC SECURITIES PRIVATE LIMITED (“OSPL”)

- The ESPP contributions amount used to convert to OCBC shares & net cash profit (if any) will be credited separately to your OCBC account within 1 week from the selling date


                 SGD                   MYR
Conversion amount (amount that first credit into account) = 8,408.97
Selling price : 11.90878
Acquisition price :  8.45
number of share converted :  320
Conversion rate (SGD $1 = MYR 3.093182) 3.09318
Gross profit = (selling price - acquisition price) x number of shares 1106.8096 3423.56353
Estimated total brokerage and transaction fees
= (0.211% * selling price * number of share) + $10 telegraphic transfer charges 18.04080826 55.80350
Net profit = Gross profit - Estimate total brokerage and transaction fees 1088.768792 3367.76
Interest earned = conversion amount - (monthly contribution * total month) 1013.97
= 8408.97 - (*15)
Total earned = net profit + interest 4381.73
= 3367.76 + 1013.97
% earn from basic :  52.10780903
= (total earned/modal) * 100%
= (4381.73/8408.97) * 100%
= 52%

ESPP 11th 514, Acq price 8.45, 320 unit @ 11.90878, conversion amount 8408.97
ESPP 12th 554, Acq price 10.77

Maternity (Preparation)

Chinese herbs
Bak Foong Pills
Chicken essence

Lactating consultant
Name in FB : New Born Home Visit
PIC : Simran
25, Jalan Cendana 6, Taman Cendana, Kajang.

Let me send you the details yea;

The breastfeeding package are as below;

🌻House call service
🌻One session is 60-90 minutes
🌻Consultation involves theory and practical demonstration.

1 visit: RM  200
3 visits: RM 500
(Minimal transportation from kajang)

One visit package

🌻Latching techniques
🌻Good latch Vs Poor latch
🌻Positions in breastfeeding
🌻Breast pump usage if required
🌻Ways to maintain lactation
🌻 Milk booster
🌻 Breast milk storage

Three visit package

🌷1st session
🌻Positions in breastfeeding
🌻Latching techniques
🌻Good latch Vs poor latch
🌻Possible problems associated with breastfeeding and management
- Breast engorgement
- Clogged ducts
- Sore nipples
- Milk blister

🌷2nd session
🌻Breast massage session
🌻Breast milk expression using hand and breast pump
🌻Breast milk storage
🌻Which stored breast milk to use first for feeding
🌻Milk boosters
🌻Back to work pumping schedule
🌻Ways to maintain lactation
🌻How to get more fat in the breast milk

🌷3rd visit
🌻Ways to increase milk supply
🌻Power pumping
🌻Extra info on baby ( Growth spurt, Burping, Baby sleeping position)
🌻Small session with mother about ways to massage baby to prevent colic
🌻Review of the overall sessions
🌻Question and answer session
🌻Evaluation of the progress
🌻Baby massage

Post natal follow up 
a) pap smear
b) KK f.up

Post natal massage contact
a) Pc Tan :
Massage : Mak Nani : +60 12-644 8009

b) Yeen :
Massage :

Facial @ Adonis

manicure and pedicure
Tesco Menjalara

Thai massage
1 Utama

Optimax, Sunway

Sunday, 29 October 2017


SMC 015010882338

G 10MbpsMaxis + HD + PVR      08/10/17 - 07/11/17        148.00 - 8.88 (GST)      156.88

G Value Pack 3                              08/10/17 - 07/11/17           80.00 - 4.80 (GST)       84.80

Total : RM 241.70

To discontinue Maxis Wifi @ RM 157 x 12 = RM 1,884 saved per year!!

Friday, 20 October 2017

Jacky Cheung's concert on Youtube

學友光年世界巡迴演唱會 香港站

Sunday, 3 September 2017

September 2017

1/9/2017 (Fri, PH)

2/9/2017 (Sat)
Village Park Nasi Lemak, Starling Mall with parents.
Padini, Jaya Grocers

3/9/2017 (Sun)
OUG Curry noodles and pork noodles.
Noon : Ban Lee Hing Furniture shop wardrobe 4" RM 700.
Online at home.

4/9/2017 (Mon, PH)
Kelana Jaya : Pump on the Go
Breast pump tested : Lacte Duet, *Spectra 9+.
Freemie cup (two size in one pack, 25mm and 28mm), RM 399

Damansara Uptown - late lunch at Curry Leaf
Wardrobe delivered.

9/9/2017 (Sat)
UKM friends gathering
Morning : Kepong Baru pasar,
tupperware (1 touch 2L 3L), catalogue,
mak kok

10/9/2017 (Sun)

16/9/2017 (Sat)

17/9/2017 (Sun)

Q :
Breast milk storage method, time, upkeep,
sterilizer, breast pump, storage bottle, storage bag, mama bag (design and things to put),

23/9/2017 - 24/9/2017 (Sat, Sun)
Today's Baby Expo @ Mid Valley

Haa Kaa silicone breast milk collector RM 69 (discount RM 5 = RM 64)
Milk collector bag RM 9
Bird nest RM 67 (Lo Hong Ka RM 644.75 for two bottles).
Grocery RM 78
Bread at La Boheme RM 10.90 (nice bread)

Friday, 1 September 2017

Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump


** 11 streets sell at cheaper price

What's in the box:
1x150ml Silicone Breast Pump with Suction Base - HaaKaa
1xSilicone Breast Pump Lid - HaaKaa

NEW 150ml capacity with suction base + yellow lid
Perfect for traveling.
Especially soft and comfortable - made from 100% food grade silicone.
Fits perfectly into any handbag or baby bag.
Both products are ishwasher safe - also can be sterilised and left to sit in boiling water.
Easy to use, easy to clean.
BPA, PVC and Phthalate free.
No cords, batteries or assembly required.


How to use your breast pump:
Sterilise your pump (caps are available online to purchase – caps keep the pump sterile after cleaning)
Place top of pump over your nipple – make sure your nipple is in the neck of the pump and comfortable.
Apply suction – you may need to adjust a couple of times. Once the pump is secure and comfortable you can squeeze the base of the pump (not interfering with the top/suction) to create some movement.
A warm flannel on top of your breast is also a great tip and gently massage the top of your breast.
Once milk begins to flow simply leave the pump alone to do its thing.
Once the pump becomes full empty into a glass storage bottle and reposition.

Also attach in the same way while your child is feeding on your other breast and collect all let down and milk which would other wise be lost into a breast pad.
Waking up in the middle of the night or if engorged during the day also attach your pump for relief.
Clean after each use. This product can be sterilised with any steam sterilising system or boiling water.
No bleach based agents.

You are now able to seal your breast pump straight after pumping!
The perfect accessory to seal your pump while on the go or freeze your milk in one container!
Great for our customers who have more than one pump or are catching their let down while feeding baby - simply place lid on and put your full pump to the side while you continue feeding.
You can also now re heat your milk from frozen in a 100% SAFE and chemical free way.
Please note: These lids are designed to seal and keep your milk safe, also allow you to freeze your milk in your pump if needed. Lids can fall off if left to move around in your bag so please make sure you empty your milk into our Haakaa milk storage glass set if you are needing to carry your milk around. RM112.90

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Photobook and Album promotion (Lazada - can be via Shopback)

Lazada :

Photobook Malaysia 11" x 11" Large Square Softcover Photo Book, 40 Pages  - RM 45 

* havent include postage RM 12+GST = RM 12.72 (as per shipping fee under photobook website).
Total might be : RM 45+12.72 = RM 57.72.

4R 300 Pockets Film Paper Photo Picture Storage Case Album Book   - RM 35.10
Free delivery

4R 100 Pockets Picture Album Case Photo Holder Storage Random Color - RM 15.60
Free delivery

Photobook Malaysia 4R Photo Prints 100 Pieces  - RM 10.90

Photobook Malaysia 4r Photo Prints 500 Pieces - RM 68.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

T 2017 Japan

8D6N Sakura in Honshu
8 天6 晚 本州樱花の游
(关西 - 京都 - 神户 - 大阪 - 名古屋 - 富士山 - 石和 - 箱根 - 东京)
Tour Code 团号: S8JSK-D7 (KIX/HND)
*Valid 2017 Mar - Apr*
*有效期从2017 年3 月– 4 月*

 Hotel based on local 4 star or Onsen class (Final confirmation on similar standard)
 当地4 星住宿星级或温泉酒店 (最后确认于同级酒店为准)
 Kobe (1N Kobe Port Tower Hotel – 4*)  神户 (1 晩 港湾酒店 – 4*)
 Shin Osaka (1N Washington Hotel – 3*)  新大阪 (1 晩 华盛顿广场酒店 – 3*)
 Nagoya (1N International Hotel – 4*)  名古屋 (1 晩 国际酒店 – 4*)
 Isawa (1N Wakamiro Onsen Hotel)  石和 (1 晚 诺神楼温泉酒店)
 Tokyo (2N Heritage Hanno Hotel – 3*)  东京 (2 晩 饭能海里特酒店 – 3*)

EAT!  Kyoto tofu paper’s hot pot + Udon noodle  京都纸装豆腐料理餐 + 乌冬面套餐
道地美食!  Japanese roasted pork set  日式猪排饭套餐
 Japanese Shabu-shabu hot pot  日式涮涮锅
 Nagoya specialty chicken wings  名古屋特色鸡翅宴
 Japanese barbeque + Crab buffet  日式烤肉餐 + 螃蟹自助餐

Day 01 Kuala Lumpur  Kansai (101km)  Kyoto (57km)  kobe
(Kyoto tofu paper’s hot pot + Udon noodle set lunch/ Japanese roasted pork set dinner)
 Depart to Japan~ the “Land of the Rising Sun”.
 Kiyomizu Dera (Kiyomizu Temple) (include entrance): It is listed as World Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) which is famous for its
wooden stage.
Kiyomizu Zaka: Japanese style street with many shops that sell traditional gift, Nishijin (Kyoto textile), and souvenirs.
Otowano Taki: It is considered one of the top 100 most beautiful waterfalls in Japan.
Jishu Jinja: This shrine located in Higashiyama is well-known for the “Love Coincidence”.
 Earthquake Memorial Park: This Park includes a large screen theater with realistic images of the earthquake’s destructiveness
and a documentary film about the recovery.
 Kobe Harborland: Kobe Harborland has a shopping facility located right along the sea with around 90 different shops and
restaurants as well as an amusement park.
吉隆坡  关西 (101 公里)  京都 (57 公里)  神户 (午: 京都纸装豆腐料理餐 + 乌冬面套餐/ 晚: 日式猪排饭套餐)
 出发到有太阳之国之称~日本。
 世界文化遗产清水寺 (含门票):京都最知名的观光胜地之一,以“清水舞台”着称,吸引众多外国旅客造访的寺庙。
清水坂:这是一条和风古典商店街,你可在这买到日本传统的手工艺品,也可找到西阵织HELLO KITTY 专卖店。
 地震纪念公园:按原来样子保存下來,以供参观而修建的公园。同时把记录神户港受灾的状况及修复过程等模型、映像、照片面
 神户海港世界:近海的商业设施,集结约90 家店铺与餐厅,并且设有游乐院。

Day 02 Kobe (37km)  Osaka (Hotel breakfast/ Japanese Shabu-shabu hot pot dinner)
 Nada Sake Brewery: Kobe's Nada district is Japan's top sake producing region.
 Osaka Castle Park (outview): It is a public urban park and historical site, with more than 600 cherry trees, 95 kind of apricot
flowers, and 1200 trees.
 Shinsaibashi Street: No trip to Osaka will be complete without coming here as it is the busiest shopping paradise and
entertainment area in Osaka.
 Osaka Shinsekai Street: Shinsekai is Osaka's "new world," a district that was developed before the war and then neglected in
the decades afterwards. At the district's center stands Tsutenkaku Tower, the nostalgia evoking symbol of Shinsekai.
 Dotonbori: A large scale downtown food street situated along the south bank of Dotonbori-gawa canal. It has unbelievable
number of restaurants and amusement facilities that loved by the Osakan.
神户 (37 公里)  大阪 (早: 酒店/ 晚: 日式涮涮锅套餐)
 神户清酒厂:神户的滩区,是全球第一大清酒产区,此应归功于高品质的稻米与水。
 大阪城公园 (外观):是位于大阪市中央区的大型绿地公园及停留拍照于大阪城是大阪的象征。
 心斋桥街:心斋桥作为大阪最大的购物区,集中许多精品屋和专卖店,从早到晚熙熙攘攘,到处是市民和游客的人流。
 大阪新世界旧街区:“新世界”意谓着崭新的世界,是位于大阪市浪速区、代表大阪的观光景点,可远眺通天阁。
 道顿堀美食街:是最受大阪市民欢迎的地方。这里有不少电影院,还有上演木偶戏的“文乐座”和表演大众曲艺“寄席”等传

Day 03 Osaka (195km)  Nagoya (Hotel breakfast/ Nagoya specialty chicken wings set dinner)
 Premium Outlet Mall: More than 100 international brands await you here!
 Oasis 21: It accommodates Nagoya’s highway bus terminal and a shopping mall. You can also view the Nagoya TV Tower from
 Sakae: It is a shopping district in Nagoya that offers a large array of shopping, entertainment and dining opportunities,
including various departmental stores.
大阪 (195 公里)  名古屋 (早: 酒店/ 晚: 名古屋特色鸡翅宴套餐)
 名牌精品工厂直销店:有100 多种国际品牌的商品都在此销售!
 绿洲21:是当地的环保建筑,盛满水的玻璃屋外形如同一巨大飞碟降落市中心。还可以远眺名古屋电视塔。
 荣地下街:所有名古屋最流行、最炫的商店都集中在这个区域,荣地下街以50 家以上的商店、餐厅、物超所值为正点,而成为

Day 04 Nagoya (249km)  Mt Fuji (107km)  Isawa
(Hotel breakfast/ Japanese set lunch/ Hotel set dinner or buffet dinner)
 Mt. Fuji: One of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" and was declared as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 2013. In this tour,
we will stop at the easily-accessible 5th station. (subject to weather conditions)
名古屋 (249 公里)  富士山 (107 公里)  石和 (早: 酒店/ 午: 日式套餐/ 晚: 酒店套餐或自助餐)
 富士山:是日本“三神山”之一、也是日本的象征, 2013 年入为世界文化遗产。我们将停留在位于富士山半山腰的休闲平台“第
五合目” 从这里你能亲自目睹到富士山很多美丽的景色。(视当天的天气而定)

Day 05 Isawa (104km)  Hakone (90km)  Tokyo
(Hotel breakfast / Japanese set lunch/ Japanese barbeque + crab buffet dinner)
 Gotemba Peace Park: Enjoy the walkway of Bodhisattva statues hidden in the woods. During the spring, the area is covered
with cherry blossoms.
 Lake Ashi: It was formed in the caldera of Mount Hakone after the volcano’s eruption about 3000 years ago.
 Hakone Tozan Ropeway (include one-way ropeway): It operates at approximately one-minute intervals, and the 20-minute
journey from Sounzan Station to Owakudani Station allows visitors to take in spectacular views of Lake Ashi and the rising
volcanic fumes of Owakudani. (subject to geographical condition, replacement to Cruising on the Lake Ashi)
 Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden: One of Tokyo's largest and most popular parks. The garden is a favorite cherry blossom
viewing spot, and large crowds can be found in the park during cherry blossom season.
 Ginza Deluxe Street: Tokyo’s most famous up market shopping, dining and entertainment district.
石和 (107 公里)  箱根 (90 公里)  东京 (早: 酒店/ 午: 日式套餐/ 晚: 日式烤肉餐 + 螃蟹自助餐)
 平和公园:享受人行道隐藏在树林里的菩萨造像。春天季节这里也是欣赏樱花的名所。
 芦之湖畔:是在三千多年前因火山活动而形成的火山湖。
 箱根登山缆车 (含单程缆车票):箱根登山缆车每隔大约一分钟开除,从早云山站到大涌站车程约二十分钟。行程中可以观赏湛
 新宿御苑:是东京最大的日式庭园和法式庭园相结合的公园,也是观赏樱花的名胜之地。
 银座豪华商业大街:是东京最有名的高级购物、用餐及娱乐中心,有许多百货公司、精品、画廊、餐厅及咖啡馆。

Day 06 Tokyo (Hotel breakfast)
 Optional train ride to city for shopping accompany by local guide.
东京 (早: 酒店)
 今早,由导游带领自费乘坐轻轨电车前往市中心,商业区,购物及美食。

Day 07 Tokyo  Kuala Lumpur (Hotel breakfast)
 Ueno Park: One of Japan's most crowded, noisy and popular spots for cherry blossom parties, Ueno Park features more than
1000 trees along the street leading towards the National Museum and around Shinobazu Pond.
 Sensoji Temple (include entrance): It is Tokyo's oldest temple, and one of its most significant.
 Nakamise Street: Lined with more than 50 shops offering local specialties and wide range of tourist souvenirs. You can see
the Tokyo skytree here.
 Odaiba Park: It sports a fusion of natural water and greenery with futuristic scenery such as Rainbow Bridge and the Fuji
Television Building. You may also see the Statue of Liberty that came from Paris.
 We bid farewell and bring home only wonderful memories of Japan!
东京  吉隆坡 (早: 酒店)
 上野公园 :东京著名樱花胜地,是日本第一座公园,其名不仅在景色之秀美,更在历史之古远与人文之深厚。
 浅草寺 (含门票):建于7 世纪的佛庙,其象征是风雷神门,这里每天都有前来拜访的观光客,终年熙熙攘攘。
 仲见世大道:一字排开的店铺中摆满了各种有着日本传统风情的扇子及运用纸制作的小玩意等商品,远眺东京晴空塔。
 台场公园:是东京最新的娱乐场所集中地,是年轻人的青睐。
 送往机场乘搭飞机飞返吉隆坡。把日本美好的回忆带回家!

Day 08 Arrived Kuala Lumpur
 A warm welcome home!
 送往机场乘搭飞机飞返吉隆坡。把日本美好的回忆带回家!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Japan 2017

Interest : 


8D6N Honshu + Shirakawago本州*飞騨高山合掌村の游
02.03.2017-09.03.2017 (Thurs to Thurs)
15.3.2017-22.3.2017 (Wed to Wed)
RM 13,807 (2 person)

Japanese barbeque buffet v 日式烤肉自助餐
Fresh local farm specialty v 乡土料理
Nagoya specialty chicken wings v 名古屋特色鸡翅宴

ANA Airline
D1 (KL to Tokyo)
D7 (from Osaka to Tokyo)
D8 (Tokyo to KL)

Sensoji Temple
Nakamise Street (Old souvenir street)
Ginza Deluxe Street (modern street and building)

Lake Ashi – nice view
Hakone Tozan Ropeway, to view Owakudani – nice.
Premium Outlet

Mount Fuji
5Th station and sledge (雪橇板)
Matsumoto Castle
Shinhotaka Ropeway (nice to view snow mountain)
Takayama Old Street (old street)

The Historic Villages of Shirakawago and Gokayama (signature place, UNESCO World Heritage Sites.)

Fushimi Inari Shrine
Shinsaibashi Street (modern street)
Dotonburi Street (modern street)

8D6N SAKURA IN HONSHU (email from Ming Lee)
22.3.2017 - 29.3.2017 (7188) - MAS
27.3.2017 - 3.4.2017 (7288) - AAX
29.3.2017 - 5.4.2017 (7388) - AAX

Flight schedule
D01   KUL-KIX   MH052   2350-0650+1   6h00m   A330   20KG
D07   NRT-KUL   MH089   1030-1645       7h15m   A330   30KG

D01   KUL-KIX     D7 532   0100-0825       6h25m   A330   25KG
D07   HND-KUL    D7 523  2345-0630+1   7h45m   A330   25KG

EAT! 道地美食!
Japanese Shabu-shabu hot pot  日式涮涮锅
Nagoya specialty chicken wings  名古屋特色鸡翅宴
Japanese barbeque + Crab buffet  日式烤肉餐 + 螃蟹自助餐

Kobe Harborland
Osaka Castle Park (outview)
Shinsaibashi Street

Kiyomizu Dera (Kiyomizu Temple) - close for 3 years
Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya
Oasis 21

Lake Ashi
Hakone Tozan Ropeway, Owakudani

Mount Fuji, 5th station
Ueno Park - cherry blossom for 1000 trees.
Sensoji Temple
Nakamise Temple
Ginza Deluxe Street

Day6 - Tokyo (?? Bullet train)


 Apple Vacation

RM 6099++
(Nett : 14,889.20)

MAS Airline
Type      Flightcode        From        To           Estimated Departure      Estimated Arrival
Depart   MH 88              KUL        NRT              2330                               0740+1
Return   MH 53              KIX         KUL              1100                               1705

EXPERIENCE : Universal Studios / Bullet Train Ride / Tokyo Disneyland / Natural Onsen
ATTRACTIONS: Kiyomizu Temple / Owakudani Valley / Peace Park Garden / Asakusa Kannon Temple
ENJOY : Fun Shopping at Shinsaibashi / Ginza / Shinjuku
GOURMET : Unagi Cuisine / Tempura Set / BBQ Buffet /Hotel Buffet with Hokkaido Crab /Deluxe Kaiseki Crab Cuisine

体验: 环球影城 / 乘搭子弹火车 / 迪士尼乐园 / 天然温泉
景点: 清水寺 - closed for 3 years / 大涌谷 / 平和公园 / 浅草观音寺
享受: 购物乐趣于心斋桥 / 银座 / 新宿
品尝: 鳗鱼料理 / 天妇罗套餐 / 烧烤式自助晚餐 /
酒店自助餐 + 北海道螃蟹 / 豪华螃蟹会席料理

 Only Day 3 (Tokyo Disneyland) and Day 6 (Universal Studios Japan) - Lunch not include.

24.3.2017 (there is 15 person as on 17/2/2017).
Min to go : 15 person.

6599+1409 (include insurance) = 8008 x 2 = RM16,016.

Type      Flightcode         rom         To           Estimated Departure      Estimated Arrival
Depart    MH 52             KUL        KIX               2350                              0650+1
Return    MH 89             NRT        KUL              1030                               1645

体验: 乘搭子弹火车 / 伊势湾渡轮 / 果园採果乐 / 忍者体验
景点: 竹林步道 / 清水寺 / 忍者村 / 海女小屋 /忍野八海 / 浅草观音寺
享受: 购物乐趣于银座 / 日本名牌厂商直销 / 新宿
品尝: 特色海女の海鲜料理 ~ 烤鲍鱼 & 龙虾 / 河豚料理 / 豪华螃蟹会席料理 / 寿司DIY+天妇罗
EXPERIENCE : Bullet Train Ride / Isewan Ferry Ride / Fruits Picking Activities / Ninja Experience
ATTRACTIONS: Bamboo Groove / Kiyomizu Temple / Ninja Village / Women Diver Hut / Oshino Hakkai / Asakusa Kannon Temple
ENJOY : Fun Shopping at Ginza / Factory Outlets / Shinjuku

GOURMET : Exclusive Ama Seafood Cuisine ~ Grill Abalone & Lobster / Puffer Fish Cuisine / Deluxe Kaiseki Crab Cuisine / Sushi DIY + Tempura

Wisma Apple
2nd, 3rd & 4th Floor
No.42-2, Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Operating Hours
Monday - Friday               0900 1800
Saturday              0900 1700

Sunday & Public Holidays              Closed

Asia Tour
Hotline: (6)03 2141 8250
Fax: (6)03 2142 8029
Email: enquiry@appleholiday.com
Website: www.appleholiday.com

Talked to Yu En. She will ask senior to call me back. (17/2/2017 - 3.51pm)

Apple Vacations

Question :
1) Bilingual guide = Chinese/ Cantonese speaker (basic is chinese)
2) Airline : MAS only
3) What is the difference between Group Tour and Ground only package?
4) Noted Day 3 in Disneyland, lunch is not included. No food voucher provided. All at own expense.
* to check meal price in Tokyo Disneyland.
If opt not to go Disneyland, which date of tour should follow? or any other Japan tour without Disneyland in March 2017?
5) During sakura session, Day 4 will have Mt Fuji session but depend on weather.
6) 5th day : 清水寺 closed for 3 years. What is the replacement of it? Yu En yet to get info from office. But will change to other place.
or change to Fushimi Inari Taisha/shrine 伏见稻荷大社?
7) Day 5 will go to 园山公园 in March ?
8) If Day 6 doesn't want to go to Universal Studio, what is the other package available?
if cant change US, lunch voucher?
9) If opt not to go Disneyland and Universal Studio, preferable to take Gourmet trip.

In Narita, Out Osaka.

24/3/2017 : 6099
25/3/2017 (Bilingual) : 6099
28; 29; 30; 31;
= (6099+1409) x 2 = 15,016 (all in)
(Two meals not included (which may cost RM 100/person in Disneyland and Universal Studio ~ RM 400) 
26/3/2017 : 6299


= = = = = = = =  = = = = = = = = =  = = = = = = = = =  = = = = = = = = =  = =

Parlo Tour

22/3/2017 : MAS 7806.40 x 2 = 15,612.80
27/3/2017 : AAX : 7853.50 x 2 = 15,707

One day lunch and dinner excluded.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

RYT 2017

1/1/2017 (Sunday) : New Year

27/1/2017-5/2/2017 (Friday to Sunday) : CNY

1/5/2017 (Monday) : Labour Day

3/6/2017 (Sat) : YDPA

25/6/2017 - 26/6/2017 (Sunday/Monday) : Hari Raya Puasa

31/8/2017 (Thursday) : National Day

1/9/2017 (Friday) : Hari Raya Haji

16/9/2017 (Saturday) : Malaysia Day

18/10/2017 (Wed) : Deepavali

25/12/2017 (Mon) : Xmas

9am to 3pm :

10/5/2017 (Wed) : Wesak Day
14/5/2017 (Sun) : Mother's Day
18/6/2017 (Sun) : Father's Day
21/9/2017 (Thurs) : Awal Muharam
1/12/2017 (Fri) : Muhammad's birthday
11/12/2017 (Mon) : Sultan Selangor's birthday

25/2/2017 (Sat) : 9am - 12pm.
Half day go The Curve maybe?